You were so cute, You were so small, So fragile and so young, Why my little Mika?

When you first came here, you immediately felt at home. I'll always remember when you hid inside my boots, I wont forget how you would follow me, and wig your tail hello, How come, dear Mika?
You slept on my chest because nothing else seemed to calm you, then you seemed at peace and for an instance, nothing else seemed to matter. I can still feel your whiskers on my chest. Can you still hear my heartbeat, Mika?
You looked at me and at once I fell in love. In your small little world and in your own little way, was I important for you too, my little Mika?
Mika, But then, how could I fail you? I'm so sorry I couldn't take care of you. I'm so sorry I was so late in helping you. I'm so sorry your life was so short. I'm so sorry I failed you. I'm so very sorry. I hope you forgive me, one day, my Mika.

Mika, Mika, those two days, for as short as they were in my lifetime, I will never ever forget. You will always and forever have a place in my heart. I miss you, Can you tell, Mika? Can you tell I am crying, Mika? Now, can you feel my tears on your little nose?
Mika, Mika, I know, you are in Heaven now, where nothing and nobody can ever hurt you again. No more crying, no more tears. I imagine you are now playing happily and from there, looking at me, because I know, i know you miss me too. Shall we meet again and you give me another chance, I promise you. I will be by your side, my Mika, beautiful aroma, sweetie pie. I love you Mika. I'll always will. Until we meet again, Mika...
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