
Michi, my beautiful cat
Name Michiko
Nicknames Michi, Michikito
72 years old
Birthplace North Lawrence, KS, USA
Likes Play hide and seek
Dislikes Canis Familaris, Strangers

CHOBI Rambo, Marimo (& Pushkin)

Michi, A 6 toed girl cat
Michi my beautiful cat, your paws are big because you have 6 toes on each one of them. I named you after the word children use in some Spanish speaking countries to call a cat: "michi, michi". Also, since you are a girl, I thought I could call you "Michiko" because this name means "beautiful and smart girl", and this couldn't be more accurate to describe you. I guess officially this is your name, but I still prefer to call you "Michi" because it is shorter. Sometimes, I also call you "Michikito", which in Spanish means "Little Michiko", my little one.

Michi arrives
You were born in 1994 in North Lawrence, Kansas. Your dad, like you, had big 6 toed paws. Of the litter, you were the last kitten left. You came to me inside a shoe box. You could fit on the palm of my hand. You were unlike any other kitten I had seen before, because you were so thin and had little hair. But you were very sweet and liked to play hide and seek. I am sorry, I don't have pictures of when you were small because I was poorer than now and didn't have a camera. Also digital cameras were very rare back then.

Hide and Seek
I remember you were already trained when you arrived. In a small cookie tray, I put some sand and you already knew what it meant. The first time I thought you got lost, I couldn't find you during the whole day. But you had found a hole under my old couch and were sleeping inside of it. How funny you thought all this was, I was running desperately everywhere to find you and called your name so many times until you finally revealed your hideout. All the time, you knew, you knew I was looking for you, you silly.

Your friend, Bunny
Do you remember Bunny? Bunny was an albino rabbit. For some reason, one of Bunny's ears was always folded down. He came home before you with a big cage, the one Bunny was so excited to see it thrown away the day we moved out. I got Bunny because nobody wanted him anymore at the child care center where he lived as a pet. Bunny had another name, "Jack", but before you were even born, I changed his name to "Bunny". I know, I couldn't have been more original. He liked to escape outside of his cage, he loved to roam free. And you loved to sleep next to him. How many times I saw you curling with Bunny, but you may not remember this. As you grew up, you learned to hide behind the doors. I remember you would surprise passers-by and bite them really hard on the shoes or legs or jump in front of them with your front paws up, like a big bear trying to scare someone away. Somehow you had learned how to jump like Bunny.

Missing in the winter
One day during your first winter, you were suddenly missing. It was snowing outside and I couldn't think where you could be. Two days later and still missing, when I was coming back from work at night, I saw something small cross my path like a sudden flash in the basement of the apartment building at 15th street. I wasn't sure what it was, but it was small and it was fast. Later at home, it clicked me. Somehow you had escaped outside of the apartment. The little something that had flashed in front of me, was you. I went to the basement and I found you there. Hiding in the storage rooms. I was so happy to see you again, did you know? I worried about you so much.

I am sorry I took you to the doctor to fix you. Because of this, you cant have babies. I know, my darling, you were never the same sweet cat you were before. I am so sorry and I hope one day you will forgive me.

Our trip to New York City
When it was time to move to NYC, you and Bunny, each had its own pet taxi. In the car, all night you cried and cried, until finally, 2 days later, we arrived to NYC. Our Honda was so loyal, it had over 135,000 miles on it. And it never, never failed us. Happily, we arrived to Queens and you could get out of the car.

A long long trip to SouthAmerica

When it was time to move to South America, you came too. You and Bunny. I got you both an airplane ticket. Yo
u had never before in your life gotten in an airplane, but Michi, we couldn't drive there, the distance was too far and one day, we sold the Honda, as it was no longer useful for us in NYC. We said goodbye to that good old car.

I really believe you have spent your happiest days in South America, because you could roam freely. Bunny was happy too, I am sure, until one day he disappeared. I will never know exactly what happened to him and I don't want to think too much. But you know, I miss him. The reason why he came with us was you. Before we began our long trip, I thought maybe I should let Bunny go free. I had seen some woods around the Meadowbrooks apartments, and I often thought Bunny would be happy there. I never wanted him to go to the animal shelter or "humane society", because I knew he wouldn't have a chance to survive there. Then one day, I saw you play with him and I realized he was your friend. So I never questioned it anymore. Bunny came too. So many years later, I am sure Bunny is dead, but you and I, we both know, he is alive in our hearts forever. Do you remember him always eating a carrot?

Again, Missing!
I remember the time you disappeared for almost one week. I put signs in the neighborhood, offered a reward, asked many people if they had seen you. One night, I saw in the corner of a small room in somebody else's house, your little face looking at me. I know you had been looking at me all this time, waiting for me to come rescue you. The next day, I went to see the neighbor and told him I had seen you inside his storage room. We were reunited and I don't think since then, you have ever gotten lost.

A new home
When we moved to the new apartment, I know, things changed. Now you don't have the space to roam free. You are always inside the apartment and never go out anymore. Because of this, now you have gained a lot of weight. But sometimes I see flashes of my old Michi when I see
you running wildly across the rooms, playing soccer with the cap of a bottle or watching to catch birds on the TV screen. I know Michi, the new LCD TV is yours, just like everything else in the apartment. Everything is yours. I know.

Michi, I love you. It will soon be 13 years together. Your personality has always been, deep inside, the same, you have not changed. You do not settle for things you don't like. Like me, if you think somebody is not true, you show your discontent. If you believe something is unfair, you growl. You are opinionated, stubborn and independent. But deep inside, a good cat. And you understand compassion, as you were with Yemci and Leska when it was time for them to leave us. You were there for them too, you knew the pain and suffering we had. During this time, you have always been there for me, from college until now. Without you, how could I imagine life? Michi, my black and white cat, I often think of you. Do you know? I miss you terribly.


Disoriented Penguin Reaches Peru's Shore

English (from Associated Press, used for educational purposes and people's awareness: A fisherman rescued the penguin who was injured and called the authorities. We need more people like him, he is a hero among us, congratulations!)

LIMA, Peru (AP) - A ``disoriented'' Magellanic penguin swam ashore on Peru's coast, some 3,100 miles north of his home in the frigid waters of southern Chile.

The penguin got lost while looking for food, Peru's National Resource Institute was quoted as saying in El Comercio newspaper Saturday.

``It seems he was disoriented and got lost in the sea due to the different ocean currents,'' said Wilder Canales, who heads the National Paracas Reserve in southern Peru. ``In his endless search for food, he casually climbed up on our shores, something that has never happened before.''

Television images showed scientists at the nature reserve treating an injury to the penguin's right wing that was apparently caused by a fishing net.

Peruvian authorities are trying to coordinate with their Chilean counterparts to return the penguin to its home waters.

Spanish: Extraido del diario El comercio (www.elcomercioperu.com.pe). Usado solo para motivos educacionales y cultura. El pescador que avisto la ave, la rescato y entrego a las autoridades. Se necesitan mas personas como este pescador, quien deberia recibir una condecoracion por su accion. Son este tipo de acciones las que ayudaran a cambiar nuestro planeta. Mis mayores felicitaciones al glorioso Pescador, un Heroe entre nosotros!)

ICA. De regreso a casa

Adiestran a pingüino para que se vuelva a adaptar a su hábitat

Ejemplar sería devuelto a Chile a fines de mayo o a principios de junio. Ave ha sido aislada para evitar que se acostumbre al ser humano

Por José Rosales Vargas

El pingüino de Magallanes, que hace unos días arribara a Paracas, tras recorrer más de dos mil kilómetros desde el extremo sur de las costas de Chile, se ha recuperado completamente de una herida que tenía en la aleta derecha. Así lo señalaron ayer los biólogos de la Reserva Nacional de Paracas que tienen a su cargo el cuidado de esta ave, conocida también como pingüino patagónico o de la Antártida.

El pingüino habría perdido el sentido de orientación debido a su temprana edad y a que se encontraba en plena fase de adaptación al mar. Se estima que sería un ejemplar joven, de apenas un año.

"Al parecer se desorientó y se perdió en el mar debido a las diversas corrientes marinas o porque estaba en plena fase de adaptación. En su incesante búsqueda de alimento, arribó casualmente a nuestras costas, en un hecho inédito", explicó el jefe interino de la reserva, perteneciente al Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales (Inrena), Wilder Canales.

A fin de lograr que el pingüino se vuelva a adaptar a su hábitat natural en el estrecho de Magallanes, en Chile, los especialistas, con ayuda de los guardaparques de la reserva, han iniciado ayer el adiestramiento que le permitirá al pingüino volver a casa a fines de mes o en los primeros días de junio, confirmó Canales. En el estrecho de Magallanes hay unos 40.000 ejemplares de la especie a la que pertenece el pingüino.

El retorno del ave es coordinado por el Inrena con sus pares chilenos para precisar la fecha en que se producirá la devolución de este ejemplar, que no podría volver a repetir su aventura, pues se corre el peligro de que, como se presume le ocurrió la primera vez, sufra ataques de los pescadores.

Los especialistas creen que su herida en la aleta derecha se produjo cuando intentaba escapar de alguna red de pesca. Para suerte de esta singular ave, un buen pescador lo encontró mal herido y lo entregó a los biólogos del Inrena.

El pingüino se mantiene aislado en un área de mar que administra la reserva en el sector de Laguna Grande, 40 kilómetros al sur de Paracas, para evitar que tenga el menor contacto posible con el ser humano.

"Ello ocasionaría que se acostumbre a la presencia del hombre y haría difícil de que sobreviva en su hábitat. Tratamos de que se mantenga en estado casi silvestre", explicó Canales. Su alimentación es balanceada y consta de anchoveta y pejerrey, lo que le ha permitido alcanzar un notable aumento de peso.

Atacan a guardaparques de Paracas
En Paracas, no todos los hombres de mar siguen el ejemplo del pescador anónimo que logró que el pingüino aventurero sobreviviera. Ayer, José Luis Reyes Pérez, Carlos Vázquez Estrada y Alfredo Sánchez Rojas, guardaparques de la Reserva Nacional de Paracas, fueron atacados por cinco pescadores que usaban dinamita para realizar sus actividades de extracción entre las playas de Carhuaz y Tunga, 90 kilómetros al sur de Pisco. Además de ser golpeados, se les arrebató la cámara fotográfica y la filmadora con la que habían logrado registrar a los pescadores.

Adiestran a pingüino para que se vuelva a adaptar a su hábitat

Agradezco a mis queridos alumnos el gesto de nombrar a su promoción (Promoción No. 1 de Ingeniería de las telecomunicaciones de la Pontificia Universidad del Peru), con mi nombre, un honor que no creo merecer. Soy una persona llena de defectos y limitaciones; soy consciente de que durante mi tenura en la universidad, cometí muchos errores; sin embargo a mi favor solo puedo expresar que mi intención fue siempre la de contribuir con la formación de los mejores profesionales, a pesar de todas nuestras limitaciones existentes. Felicitar a sus padres por el gran logro de sus hijos. A ellos, mi admiración y mis mayores gestos de consideración y aprecio. Mi agradecimiento a ellos por su confianza y apoyo que durante todo este tiempo, extendieron a sus extraordinarios hijos y, debo admitir, tambien a nosotros, a pesar de todos nuestros errores. Sin ellos, nada hubiese sido posible! A ustedes, muchachos, mucho optimismo, paciencia y mis mayores felicitaciones. El mundo está delante de ustedes, a conquistarlo! No tengo más que enseñarles, pero recuerden que la vida es un camino de aprendizaje continuo. Modestia, Honestidad, Visión, Mentalidad Abierta, Coraje y Capacidad de análisis son las herramientas que intentamos transmitirles. Estoy convencido estas herramientas son las únicas que les ayudará a ser distintos del resto y los mejores de todos. Adelante muchachos.. Ante mí, ustedes son ya los mejores! A triunfar!


I remember how happy I was to go home with you.
I was sick but I was happy.
When you held me, I fell safe,
no matter the heavy rain,
no matter the crowded station,
just you and I, together.

I'm sorry I left so early,
but my destiny was made like this.
It was written in the book of life,
that I shall meet you,
and be with you, for those two days.

In my little small world,
you were the most important for me.
I will always remember the sound of your heart,
and the warmth of your chest
when you held me at night.

Thank you for taking care of me,
Thank you for loving me.
I am waiting for you here,
by the rainbow bridge, do you know?
From here, I will always look for you.

picture and content below extracted from: http://rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm

Over The Rainbow Bridge

Author Unknown

Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food and water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. The bright eyes are intent, the eager body quivers. Suddenly she begins to break away from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying her faster and faster. YOU have been spotted and when you and your special friend finally meet you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face, your hands again caress her beloved head and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you pass over Rainbow Bridge together....
Mika, Beautiful Aroma, Are you sleeping now? Are you playing? Are you hungry? Where are you, dear Mika?

You were so cute, You were so small, So fragile and so young, Why my little Mika?

When you first came here, you immediately felt at home. I'll always remember when you hid inside my boots, I wont forget how you would follow me, and wig your tail hello, How come, dear Mika?

Your small barks, Your little paws, Your big eyes, your small ears. You loved to be hugged, I loved to hug you, Can you still remember, my Mika?

ou slept on my chest
because nothing else seemed to calm you, then you seemed at peace and for an instance, nothing else seemed to matter. I can still feel your whiskers on my chest. Can you still hear my heartbeat, Mika?

You looked at me and at once I fell in love. In your small little world and in your own little way, was I important for you too, my little Mika?

ika, But then, how could I fail you? I'm so sorry I couldn't take care of you.
I'm so sorry I was so late in helping you. I'm so sorry your life was so short. I'm so sorry I failed you. I'm so very sorry. I hope you forgive me, one day, my Mika.

Mika, Mika, those two days, for as short as they were in my lifetime, I will never ever forget. You will always and forever have a place in my heart. I miss you, Can you tell, Mika? Can you tell I am crying, Mika? Now, can you feel my tears on your little nose?

Mika, Mika, I know, you are in Heaven now, where nothing and nobody can ever hurt you again. No more crying, no more tears. I imagine you are now playing happily and from there, looking at me, because I know, i know you miss me too. Shall we meet again and you give me another chance, I promise you. I will be by your side, my Mika, beautiful aroma, sweetie pie. I love you Mika. I'll always will. Until we meet again, Mika...



The Sushi Stand

The Sushi stand always attract people.
You can see they sell Mirin also.

The Maki and Onigiri Stand

Some maki and onigiri... a customer is looking at the sushi options.

More sushi

More people looking at the sushi.

Even More sushi
At the sushi stand, It is Fresh, it says!


This restaurant is in Jusco at Shenzhen Seibu. I want to eat here sometime soon. I saw the menu and it looked great!

Update: I ate there.. very expensive :(

Natto minced and whole

Update: I found out that the natto shown in this picture is made in China.

Other Japanese food

All sort of various Japanese food.

Japanese noodles.

Even the dogs can have Japanese food. Actually this food is very good.

Japan´s No. 1 for sure!
(imported from Japan)

(made in China)

Japanese items
(imported from Japan)

More Japanese items
(imported from Japan)

Even more Japanese items
(imported from Japan)

Notice tonkatsu sauce (imported from Japan)

Pocky of course!

(made in Shanghai Glico)


Okina Megumi (born in Hiroshima) is for me, one of the most beautiful Japanese actress. Her beauty begins with her simplicity and her appearance of a traditional Japanese girl. However, I prefer the younger Megumi, like she appeared in the Japanese horror movie, "The Grudge" and I dislike the later Megumi, which depicts a more independent, liberal woman.

Note: Internet Picture. Foto de la Internet.

Megumi Okina (nacida en Hiroshima) es desde mi punto de vista, una de las actrices Japonesas más bellas. Su belleza radica en su simplicidad y su apariencia tradicional de una chica nipona. Sin embargo, prefiero a la Megumi joven que apareció en la película de horror Japonesa, "El Rencoroso" y no me agrada mucho la ultima Megumi, mas liberal y mujer independiente.


JUSCO is an upscale supermarket chain from Japan. They sell groceries, clothing, toys, small electric appliances, personal care and house care items and many other interesting things.
In Shenzhen, China, JUSCO has the reputation of being the best supermarket chain. If you have shopped there and at Walmart, Carrefour, Park-n-Shop and Rainbow (the other popular supermarket chains), you will most likely agree that JUSCO offers a better service and better products.

Many things found at Jusco are very hard to find anywhere else. Often they have good deals, particularly considering that the
quality of the products sold at Jusco is generally better than that of the stuff found in other convenience stores. Sometimes the price may be slightly more expensive, but it sure compensates with better quality, product freshness and improved service.

Jusco has 5 stores in Shenzhen. The largest and best known is at Citic City, next to Seibu and to the Ke Xue Guan subway station (now connected underground). However, most expatriates will probably shop at Jusco Coco Park because this store is conveniently located in a popular neighborhood among foreigners.

Their sushi display is quite interesting. They often have very good deals like "choose 5 sushi and pay 10rmb (US $1.4)", they sell inari (US $2.5 for 5 pieces), onigiri (US $0.4), temaki, sashimi, etc.

You can find Japanese furikake, miso paste, miso soup, umeboshi, ramen, udon, soba, tonkatsu sauce, kewpie salad dressing, curry rice, yakitori, yakisoba, tenpura, ebi tempura, sushi dressing, wasabi, katsobushi, etc. They also carry a very large selection of Lotte, Morinaga and other Japanese brands.

I also believe Jusco does a good job at promoting the culture of Japan. From my point of view and from what I have seen, they show things on the shelves that people use in their daily lives in Japan that nobody would buy here because they are simply quite expensive or simply differ completely from the local taste.

For example, in the sushi display, they sell onigiri. They often have 2 types. Both are however, quite simple. One is simply white rice and the other one is some kind of condimented rice mixed with small veggies. But who would buy onigiri? I have often seen elder ladies asking the clerks, "What is this, How do you eat it?". At the end of the day, they often have many onigiri unsold. But probably just the fact that people are asking what it is, is a lot.

Sometimes, they promote the sales of sake. People line up to taste the liquor for free.

Another item that you can find at Jusco is different kinds of natto. Natto 3-pack sells $1.20 usd.

Jusco also promotes the culture of other Asian countries by hosting culture events for different countries within Asia (Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, etc).

At the Coco Park store, there is a Hello Kitty stand, Panamie deli (cakes from Korea), Northwind shop (clothing and gadgets), eye-care shop and several restaurants like Sushi Itoh. If you are looking for game boards from the States like Monopoly (China edition), Life, Risk and Clue, they are all at Jusco. Walmart does not carry them (in fact, Walmart has a very poor toy selection).

If you have a pet and want to buy a litter box, Jusco has the closest thing to one.

Name: Chobi
Other Name: Rambo (I'm sorry Chobi, I didn't give you such a name)
Gender: Boy
Parents: Golden Retrievers
Age: 4 years old
Friends: all kids
Memories: Leskita and Michikito
Enemies: I wish somebody
Specialties: swimming in the ocean

Picture: Chobi after making an interception.

Posted on March 15th 2007

Chobi, both are names for the Golden Retriever I gave my dad as a present, three Christmas ago. He was a late gift because I got Chobi on Christmas eve, only 30 minutes before the pet shop would close. I was thinking about what kind of present I could give him and I thought maybe a dog would keep him good company.

I still remember the day I saw him at the pet shop, I had to choose between him and a small dark brown labrador dog which was also adorable. At the end, I settled for the golden, that is who later became Chobi. Somehow, somebody had given my dad the idea that the name of Chobi should be Rambo, yes, after the horrible movie with that bad actor. But golden retriever's are peaceful dogs.

Picture: Chobi, an expert napper.

At first, my dad complained about Chobi, saying "I can't take care of a dog", and we had many fights over this. One day, I went to see Chobi and he was not there anymore. He had left Chobi with this other person. Suddenly, because this other person liked Chobi, his attitude towards him changed immediately. However, I also want to believe that little by little, Chobi's affection changed my dad's temperament. Today maybe they are inseparable. They go to work together, they go fishing together and they do almost everything they can together.

Chobi is very smart and typical of a golden, so good to make new friends. Everybody adores his smile and kind heart. He loves to go out in the truck and the ocean.

Picture: "Hello, I am Chobi"

I love you Chobi, and I hope to see you soon. We can go out and play like we used to do when you were just a little boy. I am so happy that you are part of the family. I am very thankful to you for bringing so much joy to my dad, in times we all needed merry times.

Picture: Chobi at the park when a young boy.

Updated March 15th 2008

But sadly, I have not been able to see you for a long time. Because the very few times I could visit you, you were never there. I know better, I know where you were, and I think it was sad that I couldn't be allowed to see you. And I saw you being taken away by that person. I am so sorry Chobi, because I know deep inside you remember me and also wanted to see me. Are we just meant to be memories of each other? Maybe until one day, we can meet each other again.

Oh and I noticed you are getting really fat. My dad says that nobody has time to walk you out, but I am sorry, i don't believe this is true. Just like I don't believe him when he told me that he could not bring you anymore because you would poop out in the park and the city guards had warned him about this (but how could you poop in the park if nobody has time to walk you? And that park has a sign that says "pets allowed" and if you were a homeless dog, to whom would they complain? And if they walked you, couldn't they pick up your poop? But he also said that it was too hot for you to go there. But I wonder if it was also too hot at the other place where you were staying. So I am sorry, this has become part of what is normal for you.

I love you Chobi. I miss you always.