Clases en la Academia de Pesca Chobi Rambo
Salt water Fishing Classes at Chobi's ClubPor el Maestro Experto Chobi Rambo
By Expert Teacher Chobi Rambo
ambo Chobi es el Experto en pesca deportiva y un dedicado instructor. Es muy paciente con sus alumnos y se fija en todos los detalles. Es tan minucioso que corrige todos los defectos en las técnicas de sus alumnos.
hobi Rambo is the Saltwater sport fishing Expert and a very good teacher. He is very patient with his students and takes note on all details, so he can fix any problems in his students' techniques. Without a doubt, he is an outstanding instructor.

emos como el maestro Chobi Rambo acompaña al alumno con el solo objetivo de verificar el correcto uso de la caña de pescar. El maestro Chobi Rambo dice "la técnica es muy importante!".
e see how teacher Chobi Rambo accompanies the student with the sole purpose of verifying the correct usage of the fishing rod. Teacher Chobi Rambo says "Technique is very important".

espués de que el estudiante ha concluído el lanzamiento, el maestro Chobi Rambo brinda consejos personalizados a su alumno. Qué buen maestro es Chobi Rambo!
fter the student has finished the practice, teacher Chobi Rambo, gives personalized advice to his student. What a good teacher is Chobi Rambo!

l profesor Chobi Rambo, termina su sesión dándole aliento a su alumno. Cuando se tomó esta fotografía, el maestro Chobi Rambo le decía a su alumno, "siga adelante, la próxima vez, todo será más fácil!".
eacher Chobi Rambo finishes his lesson and gives encouragement to his student. When this picture was taken, it was heard him telling his student, "don't despair, next time everything will be easier!".

i estás interesado en las clases del maestro Chobi Rambo, déjale un mensaje.
f you are interested in taking classes with teacher Chobi Rambo, leave him a message.
Tarifa del curso: Bolsa de 1Kg de Science Diet, Comida para Perro Atleta
Chobi Rambo se reserva el derecho de admision al curso de acuerdo a su criterio.
Chobi Rambo reserves the right to admit a student at his own discretion.
Course Fee: 2.2 lbs. bag of Science Diet, Food for Athlete Dogs
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