My Maui
Maui, when I found you, you were just a little kitty cat. Somebody had dumped you on a cold November day inside a box, the same way people dispose of their trash. Inside the box, there was a dish with rotten food and a bowl with no water.
You were small but fierce and defended yourself from all dangers. Until I found you...
Little kitty cat, I took you in my arms and we went home. You were scared but you were happy inside, I know, because I was too. You made my home your home, you little kitty cat.
Little baby girl, Maui, I gave you the name of a beautiful Hawaiian island, because there, the beautiful sunsets at the sandy beaches always give us hope of new beginnings, and I thought that was just exactly you.
I am so sorry Maui I made a mistake.. but I think you didn't care at all, because the name Maui was so beautiful even if you were a boy instead. I know you tried to tell me many times that you were not a girl, silly me, I couldn't hear you well, my

You liked to play around and climb my legs; it was painful but Maui, that was us, we had a special bond that could never be broken. You liked to lay down on my computer while I worked at home, you always liked to be next to me. Maui, I liked that too, you know?
Maui do you remember our first Christmas? Do you remember all the little things on the tree you liked to play around with? You made a beautiful Christmas card for me which I always carry with me. It was the most beautiful card I have ever seen, my little Maui.
I am sorry my Maui I scolded you for chewing on all my headphones. My Maui, I should have known better, my little baby boy. You were warning me about the dangers of things around but I was stubborn, I could not listen to you.
Maui, I am so sorry. Those Chinese "doctors" knew nothing of nothing, they were just incompetent, arrogant, stubborn, ignorant people. That is the truth we all know but I couldn't do much. I'm so sorry my Maui that you were born in China where your life was worth nothing and that I could not find you a "doctor" that would at least knew what he was doing and had genuine love for you and all animals.
My Maui, I know you suffered so much and my heart breaks all the time when I think about that. Maui, as I write this, my tears keep falling down my cheeks and my chest hurts inside, you know? I am so sorry Maui.
Maui, I buried you under a tree in a park. You know Maui, I know we will be together again someday. I will never forget you. I often think of you, you know? You always are inside my heart, your memory and all the beautiful times we shared together for a short time are inside of me always. I miss you Maui, you know?
Until we reunite again, my little b

Sad Facts of the Events
In China, veterinarians are in general, incompetent. They lack basic understanding of veterinary medicine, are outdated and when confronted with facts, they become aggressive and arrogant. A Chinese friend told me that in China, "the value of human Life is little, the life of a pet has value zero". Perhaps he is referring to a simple fact of economics...
My little cat Maui, was murdered by a Chinese so called "veterinarian". Unfortunately this is not the only case I have heard or experienced myself.
First my Maui was brought to a veterinarian that was unable to diagnose him properly. After taking x-rays and blood tests, He pointed out that my cat may have too much sugar on his blood and that maybe his liver was not so good so that he needed to do a liver exam. This sounded ridiculous to me. I saw the ignorant "doctors" looking at the x-ray picture and they could not even tell what organs they were looking at. My Maui could not eat, would vomit all he would eat and he could not go to the bathroom. Something was wrong.. I thought maybe a hair ball... The symptoms were clear and any experienced veterinarian should have been able to diagnose this properly.
A second veterinarian, guessed that Maui had eaten something (maybe a giant hairball was stuck somewhere inside). After some x-rays he guessed there was something possibly stuck in his intestines. He performed an operation and found some brushes from a broom. Maui survived the operation but sadly, the veterinarian failed to give Maui any antibiotic to control an infection and moreover, insisted that the operation was done perfectly, which at the end was not the case. When I found out that he had not given him any antibiotics, I had to rush to the hospital to buy antibiotics for people. The hospital did not want to sell these to me, so I had to go to two hospitals to find a supply.
I had to telephone a veterinarian overseas to explain to me what had to be done to save my little Maui. When I confronted the Chinese veterinarian, his attitude was of disbelief and arrogance: "I know better" and "I am right". When I told him that my cat had a severe infection that was leading him to shock, he said that it was impossible for him to say if that was true without operating him again. The overseas veterinarian (a young girl that just graduated from college a few years ago) had told me that the veterinarian must inspect the mouth and notice if there was any change of color on the tongue and if this was not conclusive, that he could insert a small needle in the area of the operation and retrieve fluid. She said this was a very common practice and a quiet simple procedure. If the fluid was yellow, it was for sure an infection. The Chinese veterinarian knew nothing of this (he was not young, he was highly recommended by many). Unfortunately, the fate of my Maui was already decided, he was having severe convulsions and shock attacks.
I have read simple writings in Wikipedia about septicemia, and I am outraged to know that in China, most veterinarians simply lack basic knowledge of veterinarian medicine. From my readings I know now that Maui had a severe infection from the operation. Something had gone wrong in the operation and the "doctor" failed to see this. Maui's brain must have also been affected severely and even if at the end he had survived, his brain would have been affected. There was a point of never return that my Maui had already crossed.
If you are in China and have a pet, don't bring your pet to any vet in China, avoid them at all costs and if you have to go, have a foreign vet on hand, talk to them about the symptoms, get as much information before you go to the "vet". Beware, the Chinese "vets" will most likely tell you many stories to "steal" your money and kill your beloved friend at the end anyways. They did that with mine.
DISCLAIMER This article has no intention to offend anybody. It is not a racial or political statement towards anybody or anything. It is solely based on my personal experience, right or wrong, and in the comments of several persons that like me, have experienced something similar in China. Please refrain from giving any political, nationalistic or racial connotations to this post. If you disagree with what I write, write your own post and write about your own experiences. If you consider this to be offensive, I apologize but that is not the intention.