La Historia del Ciclista Estupido
Aunque te parezca broma, algunas veces he visto en Lima ciclistas conduciendo su bicicleta en importantes avenidas de esta manera:
Carril Izquierdo en la misma direccion del trafico
Carril Derecho en direccion opuesta al trafico.
Quien les ha ensenado semejante conducta?
Trafico Lento y Liviano en el carril derecho, Misma Direccion del trafico. Esto tambien aplica a motocicletas: van por el carril derecho.
La Cultura del Peaton Limeno
Por lo general, y disculpen aquellos que son distintos, el peaton limeno es negligente. Cruza la calle por donde quiere y no es capaz de respetar luces rojas ni senales. Incluso si cruza la calle, la cruza como si fuese la unica persona existente en el universo. Me pregunto, o es acaso que su vida vale mas muerto que vivo?
Por Dios Santo, alguien puede hacer algo?... Pero si te pones a pensar, el tipico conductor limeno tampoco respeta las senales de transito y tambien piensa solo en si mismo.. por lo que... en conclusion.. estamos en la Cultura del YO YO YO y SOLO YO.
Por lo general, y disculpen aquellos que son distintos, el peaton limeno es negligente. Cruza la calle por donde quiere y no es capaz de respetar luces rojas ni senales. Incluso si cruza la calle, la cruza como si fuese la unica persona existente en el universo. Me pregunto, o es acaso que su vida vale mas muerto que vivo?
Por Dios Santo, alguien puede hacer algo?... Pero si te pones a pensar, el tipico conductor limeno tampoco respeta las senales de transito y tambien piensa solo en si mismo.. por lo que... en conclusion.. estamos en la Cultura del YO YO YO y SOLO YO.
Por que debes de pagar por parquear tu vehiculo si vas de compras, ya sea en la calle o en un centro comercial?
No se que pensara la mayoria de limenos, pero acaso se han preguntado:
1) Por que debes de pagar por PARQUEO MUNICIPAL? En base a que se cobra por parquear un vehiculo en las calles? Acaso no es esto nada mas que otra forma mas de sacarte dinero del bolsillo?
2) Si vas de compras, pagas un tributo municipal. No es esto suficiente para los senores municipales? Felizmente al menos existe un distrito, llamado SANTIAGO DE SURCO, donde no se cobra tal injusticia.
3) Me pregunto, si un congresista, un regidor, un teniente alcalde, etc parquea su carro en la calle, paga el bendito concepto de Parqueo Municipal?
4) Si vas de compras como al Jockey Plaza o el Saga Falabella de San Isidro o Ripley de San Isidro, por que debes de pagarles por estacionar tu vehiculo? Acaso no estas yendo a la tienda a COMPRAR? O debes de ir a la tienda en combi? Y que sucede si no compras nada porque no encuentras lo que buscas?
5) El Jockey Plaza debe ser uno de los peores centros comerciales. No les importa incluso si has realizado compras, igual debes de pagarles 3 soles por estacionar. Saca tu cuenta, es facil:
1,000 vehiculos al dia x 3 soles = 3,000 soles
3,000 soles x 30 = 90,000 soles x mes!
Ojala al menos tributen sobre este dinero que hacen.
Encima, ya viene el que te cuida el carro a pedirte dinero.. ya veras..
No se que pensara la mayoria de limenos, pero acaso se han preguntado:
1) Por que debes de pagar por PARQUEO MUNICIPAL? En base a que se cobra por parquear un vehiculo en las calles? Acaso no es esto nada mas que otra forma mas de sacarte dinero del bolsillo?
2) Si vas de compras, pagas un tributo municipal. No es esto suficiente para los senores municipales? Felizmente al menos existe un distrito, llamado SANTIAGO DE SURCO, donde no se cobra tal injusticia.
3) Me pregunto, si un congresista, un regidor, un teniente alcalde, etc parquea su carro en la calle, paga el bendito concepto de Parqueo Municipal?
4) Si vas de compras como al Jockey Plaza o el Saga Falabella de San Isidro o Ripley de San Isidro, por que debes de pagarles por estacionar tu vehiculo? Acaso no estas yendo a la tienda a COMPRAR? O debes de ir a la tienda en combi? Y que sucede si no compras nada porque no encuentras lo que buscas?
5) El Jockey Plaza debe ser uno de los peores centros comerciales. No les importa incluso si has realizado compras, igual debes de pagarles 3 soles por estacionar. Saca tu cuenta, es facil:
1,000 vehiculos al dia x 3 soles = 3,000 soles
3,000 soles x 30 = 90,000 soles x mes!
Ojala al menos tributen sobre este dinero que hacen.
Encima, ya viene el que te cuida el carro a pedirte dinero.. ya veras..
The Top 10 Things that Piss Me Off When Traveling by Airplane
10. Are You Too Fat to fit in your seat? Shall I give up my seat and see if I can travel in the cargo bay?
The passenger sitting next to you occupies more than his/her own seat! Means, he or she, has her elbow, shoulder, leg, foot on your side. What do they think? Who cares if you don't feel comfortable. What other passenger? If this has happened to you like it has often happened to me, then you know how annoying this could be.
Please be considerate to your fellow passenger.
9. All overhead bins are crowded!
You board the airplane and you can't find any space to put your suitcase. All you see are large SUITCASES, packages, big bags and jackets all over the overhead bins. Some airlines will not allow these large "carry-ons", but many still do. I wish these passengers would be considerate to the rest. We all have the right to put our carry-on in the overhead bin.
So I am happy that there are tougher regulations because this used to be much worse than now.
8. Somebody near you is snoring loud.
Please somebody do something!
If it has happened to you, then you know what I am talking about.
7. I am not interested in listening to your important phone Conversation.
Yes, we all know you are so very busy, so while we are all waiting inside the airplane to take off, you speak so loud on the phone and sometimes even have your speakerphone on, so we all can understand and know that you are an important CEO, president, big-shot, ECONOMY CLASS Hollywood Star.
I am sure this has happened to other fellow travelers. I seem to often come across these people!
And I am so glad I am not that super important VIP passenger.
6. Turn your Music Down!
When someone near you is listening to music through headphones and it's so loud that you can hear the music too, it is very annoying. I am sure you have probably come across this and have been enervated.
I do not know how to handle this without picking a fight.
How do you do it? Well, I think the best way is to use a walkman with noise-reduction headphones.. Then you won't care about any external noise! And hey, your noise-reduction headphones will solve #8, #7 and #6! Amazing, this is why it is a real bargain to throw away $400 usd in a walkman and the special headphones.
5. Stop asking me to raise the back of my seat, The seat is broken!
Your seat is broken and the back lowers down by itself, yet, the flight attendant keeps insisting you should raise your back seat.
So what am I supposed to do? Sit without resting my back on the seat? Or what about I just sit on the air?
It has happened to me a few times, not just once. And if it has happened to me a few times, it means it has happened to other passengers too that had the luck of having the same seats than me.
4. Thank you, I really want to see your ugly hands
The passenger sitting in front of you puts his hands/arms wrapped behind the head of his/her seat. So now you must stare at his/her ugly hands and if you are lucky and your seat is equipped with an LCD screen, now you all you will see will be these hands. Be careful, he may hit you too with his hands.
You think I am joking? It has happened to me many times.
3. Go Find another seat, this one is taken by my baby.
A Woman and her baby are occupying your seat and she asks you to find another seat.
This happened to me in a flight. The woman had no manners to ask me. I kindly replied to her, to please patiently wait until all passengers were seated. Later, she asked a flight attendant to help her and I changed to other seat. FYI, I didn't want to travel next to you and your baby. I wish flight attendants also would care about the passengers that travel without babies. After all,
I also paid for my airplane ticket. I know this happens often in flights when someone is traveling with babies.
2. Sit next to a spoiled brat
Have you ever traveled next to a young child that doesn't behave, or around many children that don't behave? They kick you, beat you, yell, scream, spill food, lay on you, take your food and everything you can imagine while the parents just laugh at how "cute" their children are. Trust me, a few hours later, you will be exhausted. I understand they are just children but they aren't mine and I am also a customer. Airlines must also consider travelers traveling without children. It is unfair that those traveling without children are severely affected by those traveling with children.
1. Thank You for Kicking the back of my seat. I really appreciate it.
The passenger sitting behind you kicks, rattles, shakes, puts his/her feet/legs, pushes the back of your seat.
This seems to happen often to me. Particularly in routes originating in sub-developed countries. Don't they realize that this is very annoying and can mortify any passenger? What about if we trade seats and I do the same to you? You are real as**le!
A Personal Note:
Of course, these are related to the level of education of people. The more educated the people are, the more considerate to others. So most of these things will probably occur less frequently in routes from/to more educated societies. It is probably more common to experience similar situations in routes from/to/within sub-developed countries.
10. Are You Too Fat to fit in your seat? Shall I give up my seat and see if I can travel in the cargo bay?
The passenger sitting next to you occupies more than his/her own seat! Means, he or she, has her elbow, shoulder, leg, foot on your side. What do they think? Who cares if you don't feel comfortable. What other passenger? If this has happened to you like it has often happened to me, then you know how annoying this could be.
Please be considerate to your fellow passenger.
9. All overhead bins are crowded!
You board the airplane and you can't find any space to put your suitcase. All you see are large SUITCASES, packages, big bags and jackets all over the overhead bins. Some airlines will not allow these large "carry-ons", but many still do. I wish these passengers would be considerate to the rest. We all have the right to put our carry-on in the overhead bin.
So I am happy that there are tougher regulations because this used to be much worse than now.
8. Somebody near you is snoring loud.
Please somebody do something!
If it has happened to you, then you know what I am talking about.
7. I am not interested in listening to your important phone Conversation.
Yes, we all know you are so very busy, so while we are all waiting inside the airplane to take off, you speak so loud on the phone and sometimes even have your speakerphone on, so we all can understand and know that you are an important CEO, president, big-shot, ECONOMY CLASS Hollywood Star.
I am sure this has happened to other fellow travelers. I seem to often come across these people!
And I am so glad I am not that super important VIP passenger.
6. Turn your Music Down!
When someone near you is listening to music through headphones and it's so loud that you can hear the music too, it is very annoying. I am sure you have probably come across this and have been enervated.
I do not know how to handle this without picking a fight.
How do you do it? Well, I think the best way is to use a walkman with noise-reduction headphones.. Then you won't care about any external noise! And hey, your noise-reduction headphones will solve #8, #7 and #6! Amazing, this is why it is a real bargain to throw away $400 usd in a walkman and the special headphones.
5. Stop asking me to raise the back of my seat, The seat is broken!
Your seat is broken and the back lowers down by itself, yet, the flight attendant keeps insisting you should raise your back seat.
So what am I supposed to do? Sit without resting my back on the seat? Or what about I just sit on the air?
It has happened to me a few times, not just once. And if it has happened to me a few times, it means it has happened to other passengers too that had the luck of having the same seats than me.
4. Thank you, I really want to see your ugly hands
The passenger sitting in front of you puts his hands/arms wrapped behind the head of his/her seat. So now you must stare at his/her ugly hands and if you are lucky and your seat is equipped with an LCD screen, now you all you will see will be these hands. Be careful, he may hit you too with his hands.
You think I am joking? It has happened to me many times.
3. Go Find another seat, this one is taken by my baby.
A Woman and her baby are occupying your seat and she asks you to find another seat.
This happened to me in a flight. The woman had no manners to ask me. I kindly replied to her, to please patiently wait until all passengers were seated. Later, she asked a flight attendant to help her and I changed to other seat. FYI, I didn't want to travel next to you and your baby. I wish flight attendants also would care about the passengers that travel without babies. After all,
I also paid for my airplane ticket. I know this happens often in flights when someone is traveling with babies.
2. Sit next to a spoiled brat
Have you ever traveled next to a young child that doesn't behave, or around many children that don't behave? They kick you, beat you, yell, scream, spill food, lay on you, take your food and everything you can imagine while the parents just laugh at how "cute" their children are. Trust me, a few hours later, you will be exhausted. I understand they are just children but they aren't mine and I am also a customer. Airlines must also consider travelers traveling without children. It is unfair that those traveling without children are severely affected by those traveling with children.
1. Thank You for Kicking the back of my seat. I really appreciate it.
The passenger sitting behind you kicks, rattles, shakes, puts his/her feet/legs, pushes the back of your seat.
This seems to happen often to me. Particularly in routes originating in sub-developed countries. Don't they realize that this is very annoying and can mortify any passenger? What about if we trade seats and I do the same to you? You are real as**le!
A Personal Note:
Of course, these are related to the level of education of people. The more educated the people are, the more considerate to others. So most of these things will probably occur less frequently in routes from/to more educated societies. It is probably more common to experience similar situations in routes from/to/within sub-developed countries.
Los taxis en Peru y El tipico Taxista y Conductor de Combi en Lima
El servicio de taxis en Peru, admitamoslo, es un desastre. Es informal, incompetente, peligroso, inseguro, contaminante, entre otros adjetivos que puedo usar para describirlo.
El tipico taxista maneja un Timon volteado, seguramente una camioneta station wagon, timon volteado, un Tico o un Daewoo. Pero bueno, no consideremos estos factores para basar nuestras criticas hacia ellos.
Se cree dueno de las pistas, es imprudente y negligente.
Cansa escuchar frases como "el Peru tiene a los taxistas mas educados del mundo" (en referencia a que senalan que muchos taxistas tienen educacion universitaria). No se si eso sera cierto, y seguro esos auto-titulos, son parte de la cultura local a los que ya deberiamos estar acostumbrados. Pero, al final esto es lo que importa:
1- Por que maneja con las luces altas? Claro, a el no le importa cegar a otros con tal que el vea mejor, despues de todo, estamos en la cultura del Yo, Yo y Yo.
2- Por que toca el claxon cuando esta detras y uno esta esperando cruzar una interseccion? Claro, para el su ley es meter el carro sin importarle los demas.
3- Por que toca el claxon cuando va detras de uno y el cree que uno va demasiado lento? Claro, para ellos no existen limites de velocidad y segun ellos la pista es de ellos.
4- No tributan mas alla de los impuestos al combustible.
5- Con el mantenimiento nulo que le dan a sus vehiculos, no solo contaminan el ambiente, sino tambien que ponen en peligro la vida de sus pasajeros y de los demas.
6- Se creen los "capos" del volante, los "bacanes", los "vivos"; ellos tienen sus propias reglas de conduccion.
7- Que es "PARE"?
9- Se exaspera si otro conductor no le hace caso a sus luces altas o bocinas cuando el asume que uno va muy lento o no cruza una interseccion a tiempo.
10- Por que pasa a otros vehiculos en zig zag sin importarle si causa un accidente? Acaso nunca te ha pasado un taxi de esta manera?
Pero que importa no? Estamos en la cultura del conformismo, donde nada importa. Si algo deberian hecharle de culpa a Fujimori, deberia ser esto: No haber implementado una ley clara de transporte publico, incluyendo taxis. Hoy vemos cuales son los resultados: Un desastre.
El servicio de taxis en Peru, admitamoslo, es un desastre. Es informal, incompetente, peligroso, inseguro, contaminante, entre otros adjetivos que puedo usar para describirlo.
El tipico taxista maneja un Timon volteado, seguramente una camioneta station wagon, timon volteado, un Tico o un Daewoo. Pero bueno, no consideremos estos factores para basar nuestras criticas hacia ellos.
Se cree dueno de las pistas, es imprudente y negligente.
Cansa escuchar frases como "el Peru tiene a los taxistas mas educados del mundo" (en referencia a que senalan que muchos taxistas tienen educacion universitaria). No se si eso sera cierto, y seguro esos auto-titulos, son parte de la cultura local a los que ya deberiamos estar acostumbrados. Pero, al final esto es lo que importa:
1- Por que maneja con las luces altas? Claro, a el no le importa cegar a otros con tal que el vea mejor, despues de todo, estamos en la cultura del Yo, Yo y Yo.
2- Por que toca el claxon cuando esta detras y uno esta esperando cruzar una interseccion? Claro, para el su ley es meter el carro sin importarle los demas.
3- Por que toca el claxon cuando va detras de uno y el cree que uno va demasiado lento? Claro, para ellos no existen limites de velocidad y segun ellos la pista es de ellos.
4- No tributan mas alla de los impuestos al combustible.
5- Con el mantenimiento nulo que le dan a sus vehiculos, no solo contaminan el ambiente, sino tambien que ponen en peligro la vida de sus pasajeros y de los demas.
6- Se creen los "capos" del volante, los "bacanes", los "vivos"; ellos tienen sus propias reglas de conduccion.
7- Que es "PARE"?
9- Se exaspera si otro conductor no le hace caso a sus luces altas o bocinas cuando el asume que uno va muy lento o no cruza una interseccion a tiempo.
10- Por que pasa a otros vehiculos en zig zag sin importarle si causa un accidente? Acaso nunca te ha pasado un taxi de esta manera?
Pero que importa no? Estamos en la cultura del conformismo, donde nada importa. Si algo deberian hecharle de culpa a Fujimori, deberia ser esto: No haber implementado una ley clara de transporte publico, incluyendo taxis. Hoy vemos cuales son los resultados: Un desastre.
Saga, Tottus y Los Portales...
Si vas a Saga Falabella o Tottus en la Avenida Las Begonias, asegurate de comprar por lo menos 20 soles o parquea tu carro afuera o en una cochera. Si vas y compras menos de 20 soles, te cobraran 5 soles la hora. Nota que tus consumos en el patio de comidas, no valen!
La gente de los Portales (cortesia del Banco de Credito), sin modales, te exigira el pago de 5 Soles la hora, no importa cual sea tu excusa. Asi no hayas podido encontrar lo que querias comprar. Claro, ellos no pueden saber quien va para solo parquear su carro en una zona muy comercial durante los dias de semana y horarios de oficina (y no son clientes), pero sin embargo, deberia ser obvio que en un dia Sabado o Domingo por la noche, las oficinas estan cerradas y por lo tanto, probablemente fuiste a comprar a la tienda.
Y si no hubiera parqueo, donde estacionaria? La gente iria a comprar a estas tiendas? Es ridiculo en realidad que una tienda te cobre el parqueo! Por eso, recuerda siempre que Plaza Vea no te cobra parqueo e incluso en el Jockey Plaza, donde tambien listos a generar mas ingresos, cobran por parquear, Plaza Vea avala tu parqueo. Y seguramente muchas veces has comprado miles de soles en estas tiendas.. pero te exprimiran hasta el ultimo centavo que tengas..
Si vas a Saga Falabella o Tottus en la Avenida Las Begonias, asegurate de comprar por lo menos 20 soles o parquea tu carro afuera o en una cochera. Si vas y compras menos de 20 soles, te cobraran 5 soles la hora. Nota que tus consumos en el patio de comidas, no valen!
La gente de los Portales (cortesia del Banco de Credito), sin modales, te exigira el pago de 5 Soles la hora, no importa cual sea tu excusa. Asi no hayas podido encontrar lo que querias comprar. Claro, ellos no pueden saber quien va para solo parquear su carro en una zona muy comercial durante los dias de semana y horarios de oficina (y no son clientes), pero sin embargo, deberia ser obvio que en un dia Sabado o Domingo por la noche, las oficinas estan cerradas y por lo tanto, probablemente fuiste a comprar a la tienda.
Y si no hubiera parqueo, donde estacionaria? La gente iria a comprar a estas tiendas? Es ridiculo en realidad que una tienda te cobre el parqueo! Por eso, recuerda siempre que Plaza Vea no te cobra parqueo e incluso en el Jockey Plaza, donde tambien listos a generar mas ingresos, cobran por parquear, Plaza Vea avala tu parqueo. Y seguramente muchas veces has comprado miles de soles en estas tiendas.. pero te exprimiran hasta el ultimo centavo que tengas..

Thank You, Roy.
It is something UNC fans can't understand, perhaps it is just like they said KU fans couldn't understand why you left Kansas; they can't understand either why you would wear a Jayhawk on your shirt. Shall we remind them that Dean Smith was a KU basketball player and never came back home?
Was this so detrimental to the UNC club, as many have claimed? I think not. It is a way to prove the undeniable strong ties that link KU and UNC together. The season was over for UNC. And the victory of KU, was in a way, his victory too. So many years at Kansas, and so close to win it all, but always came short.
When the moment was sweet, I think most Jayhawks were happy you were there too.
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